🎮  Controls:


Arrows: Up, Down, Left, Right

Place Trap: Z

Sacrifice near animals: X

📜 Rules:

- The goal is to scape from the room.

- In order to open the gate you need to keep the gate.

- You can use the teleportation gates to move across the room.

- Pick up hearts and traps to use them later.

- Avoid sacrificing animals at all cost, sacrificing too many of them will get you fired.

📙 Context:

This projects uses BFS for animal path finding and room generation.

On every player move each animal move as well, the animals get the best next movement using BFS.

On Room creation, 10 main positions are selected an all of them are connected to the goal/gate using bfs. The remaining positions are distributed to the player, animal gate, items and room key.

Published 17 days ago
Made withPICO-8

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